Strategy Driven Website Design

Your website is about your customers and not about you. It’s about what they’re looking to achieve, how they need to travel through the website and how they’ll experience your brand online. These are all critical pieces that will impact the success of your website. Our team has the experience, the skill and the desire to make your website, online store or application successful. Plus, we’ll work with you to maximize the return on your investment by providing training, support and even ongoing website maintenance plans.

Why choose Digital Media HQ to design and develop your website?

  • 01.

    We’ll work with you to thoroughly understand your business and your customers. When we have thoroughly researched your business and customers we will then create a strategy that will maximise your return on investment.

  • 02.

    We’ll design and build your website with your target customers in mind, making your products and services irresistible. We have proven methods that we use to convert visitors into customers.

  • 03.

    We’ll bring targeted traffic to your website, a high number of visitors does not always equal a high conversion. By using our analytics software we can track a customer from landing on your website to placing an order.

  • 04.

    We will not launch your website and disappear. We’ve been around for 20 years and provide warranty, training and support to give you peace of mind and to make sure your website evolves as your business grows.

  • Conversion Strategy

    Your customer profile is researched and visitors workflow studied.

  • SEO

    Keyword research and local, national and international site optimisation.

  • Design

    Moodboards study and design. Mobile/responsive designs.

  • Website Build

    Base template and custom modules set-up. Page creation with analytics.

  • Warranty

    30 day post launch for scoped work.

  • Training

    CMS, custom module, email marketing and blogging training.

Just some of the Companies in the North West that trust Digital Media HQ.

Network Rail
Nov Mono Pumps
Sellafield Ltd
BAE Systems

Free Report

“DIGITAL MARKETING SECRETS” on how to grow your business.

In this report you’ll learn how to DOUBLE the number of people who visit your website, PLUS how to make sure they contact marketing secretsYour email address will NOT be made available to third parties.

Download Free Report

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  1. Simply fill in the form and click “Send”
  2. If your project is a good fit for our agency, we’ll get in touch with you shortly to talk more